
Have you broken any promises this month?

A calendar prescribing promises made to oneself and others over 30 days.


Do we live our lives addicted to promises?

The extent of how promises shape our experiences and aspirations in various facets of life - from daily lifestyle product slogans to social media ‘followers and likes’ to saying ‘sorry’ like we mean it.


What colour is your water?

The invisible line of social privileges explored by extracting the colours of water through Winogradsky column.


Does mosquito enjoy biting humans?

The inbuilt struggles of a normal human being spoken through the lens of a mosquito, a bunch of flowers and a cloud.


How can we comprehend the essence of what makes us human?

Classification of ‘human elements’ in the ordered arrangement of periodic table stripped down into rows and columns because it is hard to objectively pin down otherwise. 


Will I remember you?

Reflecting on the memories of songs shared and listened to at different phases of life.


What comes out of rejection?

Understanding the subtle nature of rejection through firstly acknowledging acceptance.